Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Radley Metzger + Zombies of Boredom

Therese and Isabelle and The Alley Cats are available at Netflix' Watch Now. I have 17 hours a month and I'm just not getting the job done. What do Carson Daly's parents really think about the structure of our society? The answer is here. I must say that these movies are slightly alarming in their nature. It is so difficult to say that because the film producers are really trying hard to create a better society. As The Clash said, "To cheat a stagger man - it is a wrong 'em boyo." The movies are kind of nice, a nice encyclopedia of California thought. And they are vaguely.......unintegrated. But here's a thought: What do you think all that extreme West Coast punk rock is rebelling against in the first place? Oh, it's a puzzle.

So you want to be creative
Hollywood television and movie directors spend a lot of time and energy making sure that no shot in a movie looks or resembles a Chinese word in its visual nature, even though the directors may be quite unfamiliar with the Chinese dictionary itself. How do I know this? I know this because Asian directors use the picture to show a word, and they do it all the time. It's part of the story and the audience expects to see it. When it comes to Western audiences, they try to be very nice about it so no one gets anxious. I worked on a few movie sets doing technical work, and it is so amazing to me how the director and the cameraman can spend so much time making sure that literate people won't double over laughing because they have inadvertently made some statement. It's like a special sense, an empty discipline, that marks the difference between who can be a movie director and who can't. They are the zombies of boredom. I go to the museum, I go to the record store and it's the same: painters and art directors are using regular Asian words to make their images memorable. From Newbury Comix to the Louvre, I haven't found one good picture yet that doesn't tap into the "subconscious" Asian dictionary. For me to understand this makes it more difficult to sort through the material we have here and it is definitely a serious discipline, and I think it all has something to do with Mona Lisa's smile. I have stated before on this blog that I don't watch a lot of Western movies, and I am not a jerk, the reason is that I know the difference. Sometimes it seems as though I am watching touch football on a Thanksgiving, I may as well watch the UEFA Futsal tournament on ESPN 360 for all the value that I know I am getting. SSD asks the hahd coah musical question: "How much art can you take?"

Sometimes, watching Adult Swim, I get the feeling that they know what they're doing. I like the results.

Geo Geo
In light of San Diego, San Francisco and Seattle's NFL success, I may as well continue. Because LAX gets a lot of immigrant traffic from Asia (like New York, Chicago, Miami, Toronto, Boston, etc), and because Cali is "Asia's neighbor", West coast people try to lord it over the rest of the US as to how they are the holders of some potential wisdom originating in Asia. Imagine that one is some kind of immigrant trying to open a medical lab or a manufacturing concern with this kind of attitude going on - it's like the East Coast was before the late 1800s.

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