Thursday, August 23, 2007


San Diego Chargers - Boat plus 2 stones. Thing about San Diego, Norv Turner's pretty good.

Denver Broncos - Some kind of play on the word west and the word sweet and the word prarie wind. And the non-word "Dingin in the Wind". Ok, I am getting a little wiped, let's say that Jack Kerouac was up to it the same in Lowell Mass as he was in Denver and points west - hittin' the wind and keeping an eye on the bohemian nickels and dimes. Good luck in the new Cutler era, Denver.

Kansas City Chiefs - Something to do with this city's role in food production, maybe translated as "I noticed you were hungry."

Oakland Raiders - This one came out scary looking, like 7th graders "writing" on a the ceiling of a school lavatory with a Bic lighter. The two little words at the top are "hearts" and the two little words at the bottom are "little". "Little heart" is "danger" in the Chinese dictionary. Abunai desyo! The big thing is history. Picture that thing under the cliff as like one of those babes on the mudflaps of an 18 wheeler, except this time on her hands and knees, and you've got the word "history". That's right, it's Motley Crue's Girls, Girls Girls. Apparently babes with nothing to do but to crawl around on their hands and knees have a lot to do with major historical developments. Raiders are one of the most storied teams, with John Madden keeping a close watch over the big game every week. Will JaMarcus be on top of San Diego and Denver in 3 years? One doesn't know.


What do I think?

New Orleans and Carolina should eat Atlanta and Jeff Garcia, giving them 4-0's in division. Same for New England/New York and Buffalo/Miami. What really sucks for the competition is that Chicago Bears guy who moved to the Jets.

If one watches South Park and South Park-produced movies, the gestalt in the West is Utah vs the Coast. San Fran is there, DeBartolo's family is there. Oik. If Seattle is owned by Microsoft, who represents Red Hat/Linux (St Louis?) and who represents Mozilla Firefox? (Arizona?) Hmm.

And maybe Philly beats Dallas anyway. We'll see.

New Orleans
San Francisco

NFC Game = New Orleans


New England
San Diego
New York

AFC Game = New England and New York

Be sure to find an online sports site and bet on New York Jets to win more than 8 games this season. Payout is ~ 1.20 won for every 1.00 spent.

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