Thursday, August 23, 2007


New Orleans Saints: "Talent" on the top, and "inch" on the bottom, as though the word is saying "This Shorty's definitely on the rise in this league". "Three Drops of Water" radical is on the left.

Carolina Panthers: I didn't really know what I was doing when I was writing this, I started thinking of the band Caroliner, whose album titles always remind me of airports and airlines. The Chinese word has something to do with blobs of blue ice landing somewhere in the woods.

Atlanta Falcons: In the history of the American South, how difficult was it for African Americans to organize and form a beaurocracy? The current Michael Vick story is all about how dog fighting has served as a vehicle for society in the South. It is a harsh vehicle, and there of course are reasons for it to be there, and for it to be the way that it is.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers: The giant plastic ship and the dozens of rusted servo motors that are supposed to raise the Tampa flag when the team scores a touchdown were inspirations for this word.

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