Thursday, August 23, 2007


Indianapolis Colts - As a New England supporter, sitting through 8 or 9 Sundays getting "hoosed" just by being in contact with the Indianapolis team, thinking about farming, RCA, Letterman, Quayle; it's a dim experience. I have visited many American cities, Indianapolis isn't one of them. The thing on the left is "farm" and it looks like a farmer who is stepping out in an awkward manner. I really have to think about what I write about this team, they are pretty good, it's not a good idea to write something dumb. The thing on the right is a giant pair of grandma panties. This is not actually a Chinese word as far as I know.

Jacksonville Jaguars - It always seems to me that one is always in attendance at a nice KOA evening celebration here in Jacksonville. I like cheesy Jax, the Chinese word is like "plastic food". KOA stands for "Campgrounds of America", like AOL stands for "America Online". The thing on the right is like plastic and is part of the word "Clinton". "Clinton" is a word that appeared everyday in the Chinese newspaper for years, this is a word element that is very familiar to the reading public. It looks kind of smarmy and excited. Getting back to real life for a moment, plastic is so important to Taiwan's economy and the toy industry. All that stuff at Walmart is made of plastic originating in Taiwan venture capital, in Fujian, Taiwan and the Hong Kong area. If one thinks that the development of industry in Taiwan was some kind of easy task, think again. I will have to find the story of the big petroleum ---> methyl alcohol plant in the 60s in Taiwan that had to be located on an island because no one would have it in their backyard. I should stop telling this story now, I believe in generating confidence in the economy, no sense in comparing Taiwan to America or Europe here. There are so many paychecks to print, there is so much tuition to pay, there is so much physics to do. Suffice it to say that some of the plastic in my computer, some of the plastic in your computer, no doubt comes from this facility.

Tennessee Titans : In writing about football here, I learned something about the coming season, mainly, that Tennessee and Baltimore seem strong. That is my impression. In South and Southwest Africa there is an escarpment, like Old Rockytop, that bars inland trade via most of the rivers. At places it is over 800 meters high. That's half a mile. In South Africa there is a water project that involves lifting water from the Milk River and the Sunday River up the escarpment for the Gauteng Province water supply, which includes Pretoria and Johannesburg. One can read about this infrastructure project at the Wikipedia. The word I wrote for this means "Work your balls off getting to the top." The light blue element (the Heart Radical) would represent one's balls.

Houston Texans: Two agricultural products that use a lot of water are beef and alfalfa sprouts. I thought the word "sprouts" (in white) looked kind of like the franchise logo. The red thing is an actual escarpment with a person standing at the top (see Tennessee). The blue thing in this case is "clear blue vison". Nothing like going up to the heights and looking out over the valley and clearing one's mind before returning home down to the house. I believe there is a post-conversion Bob Dylan song about this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.